
A collection of snippets of interactions between students and I which will undoubtedly bring me cheer as I reflect back on my time teaching in my later years.

  1. Student e-mails me to ask, “Sir, what is your e-mail?”

  2. I’ve never had a student panick so much they forgot how to use e-mail. Received an empty e-mail after an online exam session with the rather long subject

    RE: SorrysirbutsomethingwaswrongwithmyinternetsoIcannotuploadmysolutionscanyoupleasegivememoretimeIcannotfigureouthowtosendyouanemail
  3. Please can you send me your IC number (for a DY application). Proceeds to give me their student ID…which is already part of their e-mail!

  4. Sorry Sir I can’t register for the module because it doesn’t exist. Me thinking: Oh no, another glitch on the system. I have to tell PL and ICTC. There’s no way they could’ve looked in the wrong sem/year right… Me: Did you look in the correct year/sem on GIS? Reply: Oh ya sir sorry got it now.