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A simulation study was carried out to investigate the performance of the proposed limited information goodness-of-fit tests. The data was generated using an underlying variable framework. The true parameter values were

  • Loadings: π›Œ=(0.8,0.7,0.47,0.38,0.34,…)\boldsymbol\lambda = (0.8, 0.7, 0.47, 0.38, 0.34, \dots)
  • Factor correlations: Ο•=0.3\phi = 0.3 (1 factor) or π›Ÿ=(0.2,0.3,0.4){\boldsymbol\phi}= (0.2, 0.3, 0.4) (2 factors)
  • Thresholds: 𝛕=(βˆ’1.43,βˆ’0.55,βˆ’0.13,βˆ’0.82,βˆ’1.13,…)\boldsymbol\tau = (-1.43, -0.55, -0.13, -0.82, -1.13,\dots)

Five scenarios were investigated:

  1. 1 factor, 5 variables
  2. 1 factor, 8 variables
  3. 1 factor, 15 variables
  4. 2 factor, 10 variables
  5. 3 factor, 15 variables

For each scenario, B=1000B=1000 data were generated either according to simple random sample or a complex sampling procedure using true parameter values, and the rejection rate (Type I error) were calculated.

To conduct a power analysis, an extra latent variable x∼N(0,1)x \sim \mathop{\mathrm{N}}(0,1) independent to the latent factor η\eta was added to the y*y^* variables. The loadings of xx are similar to the true values except that some noise (N(0,0.12)\mathop{\mathrm{N}}(0,0.1^2)) was added. This means that the fitted model is misspecified because a missing factor was not accounted for.

The simulations took roughly 20 hours to complete. No convergence issue reported when the sample size is in the range 500≀n≀3000500 \leq n \leq 3000 (previous versions of this simulation study saw lavaan having difficulty converging when n=100n=100 or n=250n=250–these simulation results are not trustworthy so have been omitted).

Path diagrams

SRS type I errors

SRS power plots

Complex sampling type I errors

Complex sampling power plots

Distribution of test statistics